Viewing user summary
A summary of Nearmap users is displayed above the list of users with the following details:
- Total number of users
- Number of active users
- Number of users with administrator privileges
- Number of users yet to respond to their invitation
Viewing user list
Below the user summary, a list of all users on the account is displayed.
The following details are displayed for each user:
- Name
- Email
- Subscription type
- Last login - the most recent date on which the user logged in to MapBrowser. Use this to identify users who haven't logged in for a long time and re-assign their subscriptions to other users.
- Status - whether the user's account is active or has been deactivated. As a default, only active users are displayed. Use the Filter button to view deactivated users.
Searching, Filtering and Sorting
- Search for users by specifying a part of or the entire search term. You can find users by their name, email address or subscription name. Click x to clear the search and close the search box.
For example, to find all users whose name starts with the letter "J", simply type "J". Search is case insensitive, that is, you can enter the search term in upper or lower case. - Use the filters to see only users with the filtered status. As a default, only active users are displayed. Use the Filter button to view deactivated users.
You can further filter users by subscription. You can select multiple subscriptions. If you add subscription, your filter will be a combination of status and subscription.
- Sort the list of users in ascending or descending alphabetical order of Name, Email, Subscription or Status. You can also sort by ascending or descending order of date.
Up arrow indicates ascending order while Down arrow indicates descending order.
For details on using the Search, Filter and Sort functionality, see MyAccount Interface.