The Nearmap Rapid Appraisal solution gives you access to Nearmap's latest, high-resolution imagery directly within your system. You can use the widget to view different Nearmap base layers and survey dates and use measurement and annotation tools all within your own system.
The process of setting up a Nearmap Rapid Appraisal widget for your system can be easily completed by your administrator with input from the system owner. The system owner can also decide on the location of the Nearmap widget within the host system.
Contact Nearmap if you are using a particular platform and want to be able to integrate with Nearmap.
All you need to do is use the Rapid Appraisal widget to log in to your CAMA system and search for a parcel using the Tax Pin or Alternate ID. Then, click the Nearmap tab, which allows you to:
- View imagery for a parcel in different base layers - Vertical, Panorama, Terrain, Oblique, Roads, True Ortho and 3D
- Measure the parcel and add annotations
- Identify changes by comparing images from different dates
- Take pictures of the parcel
- Access MapBrowser, MyAccount, Help Center, and Support
NOTE: If you are subscribed to the Nearmap GeoData Link product, you can view detailed parcel attributes and search based on different fields in MapBrowser for accurate assessments. For more information about this product, contact your Customer Service Manager.