Bentley Systems Integration: Overview Nearmap provides an extensive range of content types that can be seamlessly integrated into Bentley Systems' infrastructure engineering applications such as Microstation, Descartes, OpenRoads and ContextCapture. Nearmap’s high-resolution imagery is made available within Bentley…
OpenRoads - Load Georeferenced Images
This section provides instructions for loading georeferenced MapBrowser images in OpenRoads Designer: Exporting content from MapBrowser Loading content into OpenRoads Designer Selecting the georeferencing option Detailed instructions for loading georeferenced images are given below. Exporting content from MapBrowser In…
OpenRoads - Load 3D Content
Detailed instructions for loading 3D content are given below. Exporting content from MapBrowser In MapBrowser, click Export . Select your area of interest, Export type as Georeferenced image, Projection system and the Resolution of the output image. As soon as the download is ready, click the filename to download the files…
MicroStation CONNECT - WMS Integration
These instructions apply to Bentley® MicroStation® CONNECT Edition Update 10 and describe how to load georeferenced Nearmap imagery using Web Map Service (WMS). Rather than import a single image of a small area, WMS allows MicroStation to request the imagery directly from the Nearmap server in a variety of map projections.…
MicroStation - Loading Georeferenced Images
Importing JPG/JGW Files into Bentley MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 3) These instructions apply to Bentley® MicroStation® V8i (SELECTseries 3) and describe how to load JPG and JGW files exported from Nearmap without losing the georeferencing information. Upon opening Microstation, create a new drawing by clicking the New…
MicroStation V8i SELECTseries 3 - WMS Integration
Integrating Nearmap Imagery into Bentley MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 3) Using WMS These instructions apply to Bentley® MicroStation® V8i (SELECTseries 3) and describe how to load georeferenced Nearmap imagery using Web Map Service (WMS). Rather than import a single image of a small area, WMS allows MicroStation to…
Bentley Descartes - Textured Mesh Integration
Descartes is a Bentley online application, which offers a toolset for integrating 3D imagery into information modeling workflows. You can use Descartes to easily display Nearmap's 3D textured mesh imagery. The 3D imagery is delivered in geo-referenced 3MX files. NOTE: Descartes is a Bentley product, and as such any support…
Bentley OpenRoads ConceptStation - Textured Mesh Integration
OpenRoads ConceptStation is a Bentley online application, which offers roadway and bridge design capabilities to help road and land development engineers create intelligent models in context. You can use OpenRoads ConceptStation to easily display Nearmap's 3D textured mesh imagery. The 3D imagery is delivered…
Bentley ContextCapture - Textured Mesh Integration
ContextCapture Viewer is a Bentley desktop application that you can use to easily display Nearmap's 3D textured mesh imagery. You can use this application to validate the 3D textured mesh the following formats: 3MX - the Bentley default 3D textured mesh format OSGB - Open Scene Graph Binary OBJ - a geometry definition file…