This section explains how to download and install the timeline add-in for ArcMap.
You need ArcMap 10.3 or later if you would like to use our timeline add-in to view imagery from previous survey dates.
The Nearmap timeline add-in within ArcMap allows users to quickly and easily browse different survey dates. Users can select a new survey to display from a drop down list of all available survey's. Once a new date is selected ArcGIS will load the new imagery. To install this feature please follow the below instructions:
- Start ArcMap.
- Navigate here to open the Nearmap timeline add-in download page:
- Select Open in ArcMap.
- Open the file you downloaded, and click Install Add-in.
- Click Ok.
- In ArcMap, click the Customize menu and select Toolbars > Customize.
- In the list of toolbars, scroll down and locate Nearmap Toolbar. Tick the box beside it, then click Close.
- The Nearmap toolbar appears on your ArcMap screen. You can now drag and drop it into the rest of your ArcMap toolbars.
When Nearmap imagery from your ArcGIS Online account is displaying in the ArcMap map window, you can click the Date drop down for a list of available imagery dates in the area that fills your screen.
As you zoom and pan around the map, the list of available survey dates in the Date drop down changes to show only the available survey dates for the area that fills your screen.
Click the Back and Forward arrows to display imagery from the previous or next available survey date.
For information on how to be provisioned with access to Nearmap's ArcGIS Online offering, please click here.