Welcome to the PropertyAction Dashboard!
- Header Search - The Header-Search will allow you to search for any property profile/order using the address, External ID, or the lat/long.
- Filters - These filters can be used to manipulate which properties will show in the list below. The Order Date will filter the properties by the date the property profile was ordered. The Assign To can be used to filter the list by the properties you or a colleague are assigned to. The Flags filter can be used to focus on any particular flag present on a property. Lastly, the Score filter can be used to focus on particular properties that have a certain score.
- Properties Table - The properties table will show all of the properties based on the filters you have set. If you don't have any filters set, your properties table will default to all properties scored in the last 3 months.
- Flags Panel - The flags panel shows you which flags are present on a particular property profile. You will also be able to see the reason why that flag is triggering. Click on the "Clear" button and the flags will move into the cleared tab.
5. Tabs - The tabs include “uncleared flags”, “unviewed properties” and “All properties”. The Uncleared Flags tab will include all property profiles that have uncleared flags. The Unviewed properties tab will show all properties where the property profile has not been visited by any user. Lastly, the “All properties” tab will include all the properties that have been run through your company’s dedicated workspace.
6. Action Flow Panel - This panel will allow you to navigate to different areas on the Dashboard and allow you to take certain actions. The Action Flow button will take you to the flags and PropertyView Thumbnail. The Metrics button will show you some helpful metrics on how many flags are present in your workspace. The Assign button will allow you to assign any properties to yourself or a colleague. Lastly, the Clear Flags button will allow you to mass clear flags on any property profile.
7. PropertyView Thumbnail - The PropertyView will show you a preview image of the property we scored. You will be able to zoom in and out and see the spotlights our system has found. If you need a larger view, click on the "View Property" button and you will be taken to the full property profile.