About Portfolio Intelligence
Portfolio Intelligence within the Betterview platform is a pre-built solution for insurance carriers, which provides a holistic view of their risk exposure, agency performance, and overall portfolio health. Overview Typically, insurance carriers rely on physical inspection reports, hazard models and historical analysis as…
Portfolio Intelligence - Global View
The Global view of your portfolio is displayed when you first log in to Betterview Portfolio Intelligence. This view displays a distribution of the properties in your portfolio as hexagonal bins displayed between zoom levels of 5 and 10. As you zoom in on the map, the hexagons will split into smaller, more granular…
Portfolio Intelligence - Regional View
The Regional view displays the properties in the portfolio for a specific region. All you need to do is zoom in to the region. This view is displayed between zoom levels of 11 and 15. As you zoom in, the bins on the map are replaced by dots in different colors on the map. Applying filters to view specific properties You…
Portfolio Intelligence - Property View
Property profile You can switch from Regional view to Property view by clicking on a dot in the map. The colour of the dot indicates the RSI score or lowest RSI score in case of multiple buildings. Hovering over a dot displays the address, RSI and the number of buildings at the property. Click to view the property profile.…