Nearmap Product Documentation is a comprehensive and growing collection of how-to articles to help you understand our products. You can search the articles using the search box below, or you can search the entire Help Center (including videos, technical blogs, product news, discussions) using the search box on the banner or at the top right.
Account Management
Learn about user and administrator roles, your subscription, how to update your details, how to view your data usage and manage your watchlist. FIND OUT MORE
Discover the MapBrowser and explore the tools in MapBrowser and learn how to view, search, measure and export Nearmap imagery. FIND OUT MORE
Nearmap Content
You can subscribe to a range of Nearmap content including Vertical, Oblique, 3D and AI. Find out about our range of content offerings, including specifications, accuracy, coverage and possible artifacts. FIND OUT MORE
Integrations and APIs
Nearmap provides numerous ways for you to bring our content into your application. Discover how to import our content from a MapBrowser export, or stream it using WMS 2.0 or our APIs. You can also find Nearmap content in the Esri ArcGIS Marketplace. FIND OUT MORE
Nearmap on OpenSolar
OpenSolar is a cloud-based application that enables you to create quick and accurate professional solar proposals and shading reports. Nearmap has partnered with OpenSolar so you can use our oblique content and elevation data to accurately model your solar layouts and view seasonal shading. FIND OUT MORE
Sometimes things don't go to plan. If you're having issues with MapBrowser, our imagery, our services, or anything else technical, don't rush to submit a support request: you might find your answer here. FIND OUT MORE