On the top of the map you will find the imagery timeline. The timeline houses all historic imagery we have available for the property and has the date the image was taken.
NOTE: This timeline is interactive. As you click through the different imagery options you can see all available imagery and click on the dates to see the images.
1. It is important to note that we will only score the most recent image unless you add in an "as of date" or "date of loss" in the bulk order or one-off order form. If you add in a historic date for the "as of date" or "date of loss" we will only score the image closest to that date you entered. In both cases you will still be able to view the historic imagery but you will not be able to see a score.
For example, if you have an order for a property that has a scored date of April 30th and you would like a scored image for December 1, 2018, check out this Help Center document called "Score Past Imagery".
2. We also have different types of imagery available for some property profiles. Most property profiles have "overhead" imagery, which will show an overhead look at the property and the properties around it.
Some properties have "oblique" imagery available. This imagery will show you a view of the property from the north, south, east, and west.
We also have static imagery for most property profiles. The static imagery is an overhead look at the property and excludes the surrounding area.
If you have any questions or run into any problems just let us know by messaging us via our Intercom chat system or emailing us at support@betterview.com