About Integrations
What are integrations? Nearmap provides you with several convenient ways to consume our content in your GIS, CAD, BIM, 3D visualization or asset management applications. Integrations let you import content you've exported from MapBrowser, stream content using WMS or a variety of APIs, or access and share Nearmap imagery…
Nearmap on OpenSolar
What is OpenSolar? OpenSolar is an application that provides a simple, fast and powerful tool for solar professionals, available online as a cloud-based app. The application uses fast and accurate SolarTouch design technology to create beautiful proposals in seconds, it includes roof geometry on obliques, it provides…
About MyAccount
About MyAccount MyAccount is a portal where Nearmap users can access and manage their details depending upon their role. MyAccount users Users can be assigned one of the following roles: Administrator - See MyAccount - Administrators for more information Team member, referred to as user - See MyAccount - All Users for more…
About Nearmap Roof Condition
Overview The Nearmap Roof Condition product provides insights about the roof(s) at a given address, with which you can get a detailed analysis of the roof condition output as raw data in CSV or JSON formats, or in an easy-to-read PDF. The analysis consists of information drawn from Nearmap Generation 5 AI layers related to…
WMS and WMTS Integration
Nearmap Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) integrations allow you to load high-resolution imagery to your off-the-shelf GIS and CAD applications. While WMS allows you to load imagery for your area of interest, WMTS loads tiles for an AOI. Depending upon your use case, you may use one or the other.
3D Products
Nearmap 3D & DSM content offers wide-scale, photo-realistic 3D models and elevation datasets for infrastructure projects across Australia and North America. This page provides accuracy specifications and more for each 3D content type. The following information is covered here: Textured Mesh DSM (Digital Surface Model)…
MyAccount - All Users
This section explains operations that are available to all MyAccount users. These include how to access your Nearmap profile, where you update your personal details or change your email address or password, and so on.
About Nearmap Content
Nearmap's range of content products are derived from images containing metadata. These images are generated from individual aerial photos that are automatically captured from an aircraft making regular or scheduled flights over very large survey areas of entire cities or regions, usually between 700km2 and 10,000km2.…
About Nearmap Vertical
Coverage Use our interactive coverage map to see if we currently cover your locations of interest. Coverage checker - This URL will resolve to your region's content. Accuracy 1st Generation* 2nd Generation Notes Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) 7.5cm / 3" or 6 cm for New Zealand 5.6cm / 2.2" GSD may vary depending on flight…
HyperTiles is no longer supported. The HyperTiles application is not available to, or licensed for use by Nearmap customers. Since HyperTiles was discontinued, Nearmap has developed many new features that allow users to extract geo-referenced imagery and integrate Nearmap imagery with GIS and other third party…