Oblique Imagery in Nearmap on OpenSolar

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Nearmap on OpenSolar uses high resolution, regularly updated Nearmap oblique imagery that enables extremely accurate solar designs and energy output calculations.

NOTE: If your Nearmap account only has vertical imagery available, please contact your account manager to discuss options to enable oblique imagery with your subscription.

How do Nearmap Obliques Compare to 3D (Oblique) Imagery in OpenSolar?

Nearmap on OpenSolar uses Nearmap oblique imagery.

  • Nearmap's obliques are consistently high-resolution, with 7.5 GSD
  • Nearmap imagery does not have watermarks over the images, affecting the quality of a proposal
  • Nearmap offers consistent oblique photos, not a mix of different images to make up one image
  • Nearmap provides a precise date and time for images that help determine an estimate of shading
  • Nearmap’s consistency of capture allows for more risk assessment and changes to a site
  • Nearmap’s consistency of capture allows viewing at different times of the year (summer vs winter)

Changing Map Type

Watch our video: Adding high-res Vertical and Oblique imagery to your solar design

To change the map type select the map view from the bottom section of the Studio screen, as explained in How to Change the Map Type in OpenSolar's Help Center:

Enabling 3D Measurement Tools

To find out how to enable 3D measurement tools, click here.

Building a 3D Roof Model

Watch our video: Building a 3D Roof Model with Obliques

Links on OpenSolar Help Center

Please refer to the following sections in OpenSolar's Help Center:


If you see an oblique image where, for example, half of the property is cut off, all you need to do is select another oblique image from a different date until you find one that you are happy with.

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