You can place orders in the Betterview system by using either the properties physical address or it's latitude/longitude coordinates. How to pull the coordinates depends on which Search Engine you use.
Please note the Betterview system can only accept Latitude/Longitude Coordinates, we cannot accept Nautical Coordinates.
Google Maps
- Begin by navigating to
Search for the address you're looking to place. For this example, we're going to look for 643 7th St, San Francisco, CA 94103.
- Next, click on the top set of coordinates that appear. These are your lat/long coordinates and clicking on them will copy them to onto your clipboard.
- Once you have copied the coordinates onto your clipboard, paste them onto our Betterview search bar. The system will search our Database and Google for an address that best matches that set of coordinates. From there select your address and follow the prompts to place your One-off order.
Bing Maps
- Begin by navigating to
Search for the address you're looking to place. For this example, we're going to once again look for 643 7th St, San Francisco, CA 94103.
Next, with your mouse, hover over the property you are trying to locate the coordinates for and right-click on your mouse to pull a list of available options. The option for the coordinates will be located at the bottom of that list. Clicking on those coordinates will copy them onto your clipboard.
For assistance placing the One-off order, please check out this Help Desk Article.