Access your downloads at any time by clicking the Downloads button in the Sidebar.
Downloading content
Click Downloads. The Downloads screen will open, showing your downloads list and the status of each download, including the current one.
Depending on what you have exported and wish to download, click 2D Exports or 3D Exports.
NOTE: AI data cannot be exported from MapBrowser effective from Feb 21, 2023. AI data exported from MapBrowser prior to this date will be available to download. However, it is possible to request for an offline export of AI data.
When the download is ready, you can expand the row to see what files are included in the export.
Click on each content block to download the files. Once downloaded, you can use the files in one of the third-party applications. See INTEGRATIONS.
Download Status
Status | Description |
Pending | The export is about to start. This is displayed for a few seconds after you click the EXPORT button. |
Running | The export is currently being processed by MapBrowser. This may take any time from seconds to a few hours depending on: - The size of the export area
- The terrain of the export area
- The requested file types.
At this point, your data allowance has not yet been deducted for this export. |
Ready for Download | The export has been correctly processed and you can download the content. |
Failed | The export has failed. In the rare case where this may happen, contact Nearmap Support. |