Using MapBrowser you can export (download) all Nearmap 3D Products, and then use the content in third-party applications (see INTEGRATIONS ).
To export 3D content, you must have a subscription with 3D export permissions (which your account administrator can provide you) with available export credits.
1. Exporting 3D content
Click Export and select 3D from the drop down menu.
Any single export is limited to 50 sq km. or 19.3 sq mi. This could be any where between 25GB and 75GB in size depending on the format you have chosen. If your export area is larger than this, you'll need to obtain your content via an offline 3D export process. Please contact your Nearmap account manager for this.
2. Selecting a capture
Select the capture in order to proceed. This is a combination of the capture region and the month and year of the first survey in the capture.
Each 3D capture is made up of multiple surveys, flown at different dates, so the entire scene could be made up of photos taken over one to three months. This means that there may be several capture dates included in the export. These are listed in the ReadMe file that is included in the export.
3. Selecting a projection
A range of projections is available relative to the geographical area currently visible in MapBrowser. his range of projections is based on the UTM zone/ state plane coordinate system zone/ any other projection system of your AOI as specified in Surrounding projection systems are excluded unless the AOI straddles multiple projection systems.
Default projections
A default projection, which is relevant for the area being viewed and which reflects country standards, will be selected automatically. Country defaults are as follows:
- US – NAD83/UTM + NAVD88
- AU – GDA2020/MGA + AHD
- CA – NAD83(CSRS)/UTM + CGVD2013
If you are not sure which projection to use, go with the default. However, you can still set one of the other projections by selecting it from Projection drop down.
4. Selecting the types and formats
Select the types and formats of the content that you want to export. The available content types and file formats are listed above. You can select up to four content types and any number of available formats available per content type for your selected export projection.
If you've selected more than one content type, "Multi" is indicated in the drop down.
Projections with Limited content types and format
There are some projections which are specific and limited to one content type and format. These are:
Projection | Content Type | Format |
ECEF | Textured Mesh | Cesium 3D Tiles |
WGS84/Geodetic + EGM96 | Textured Mesh | SLPK |
Similarly, when you select a projection other than ECEF or WGS84/Geodetic + EGM96, and you select Cesium or SLPK as one of the formats, they will be exported in ECEF and WGS84/Geodetic + EGM96 projections. This is reflected in the Export panel.
5. Defining the export area
There are two ways to define your export area:
a. Draw the area you wish to export.
The area can be any shape of polygon, it doesn’t have to be rectangular.
b. Alternatively, you can import a GeoJSON file to define your export area.
- To export a single building, select an area slightly bigger than the building you want to export, to avoid getting an incomplete 3D image.
- If you draw an area that does not have 3D coverage, you will see a warning message and will not be able to proceed with the export.
- If you draw an area that has only partial 3D content, the export will include only the area with 3D content and your allowance will only be deducted by the amount that was actually exported.
6. Performing the export
Once you finish defining the export area, the total size of the selection is shown in the Summary section . The total allowance is shown as well. If the export area size is greater than the available allowance, the export will not be able to proceed.
Click REVIEW EXPORT. The export details are displayed.
Click CONFIRM EXPORT to proceed, or CANCEL to go back and change the export details. Once confirmed the export starts, and the exported area is deducted from your 3D allowance.
Download the exported files.
NOTE: By default, the name of the export file is set to the name of the selected capture. You can change the export file name to help you identify each of your downloads in the future. To change this name, type a new name in the Export Name field. The name can contain letters, numbers and special characters such as #, * and so on.
Export file contents
Nearmap 3D content is delivered in a zip file. The zip file's contents are the same whether you receive Nearmap's 3D content via offline channels, or via the 3D Export function in MapBrowser.
Textured Mesh
Textured Mesh OBJ
Readme.pdf | File describing the exported files (metadata). |
Tiles.shx | The shapefile containing tiles and area of interest of the export. |
Folder Mesh_0_0 | Folder containing the files for the tile Mesh_0_0. |
| Files for tile Mesh_0_0. |
Mesh_0_0.obj.ofs | Text file containing projection offset values. |
Textured Mesh SLPK
Readme.pdf | File describing the exported file (metadata). |
Mesh.slpk | SLPK File containing the output content. |
Textured Mesh 3MX
Readme.pdf | File describing the exported files. |
Mesh.3MX | Mesh File containing the output content. |
.3mxb | Internal files. |
Textured Mesh – Cesium 3D Tiles
Readme.pdf | File describing the exported files (metadata). |
Data(Folder) | Contains the Cesium tileset. |
Cesium3dTiles.json | Reference file for the tileset. |
Textured Mesh FBX
Readme.pdf | File describing the exported file (metadata). |
Tiles.shx | The shapefile containing tiles and area of interest of the export. |
Mesh.fbx | Mesh File containing the output content. |
Mesh.fbm | Folder containing textures. |
Mesh.fbx.ofs | Text file containing projection offset values. |
Point Cloud
Point Cloud LAS
Readme.pdf | File describing the exported file (metadata). |
Tiles.shx | The shapefile containing tiles and area of interest of the export. |
PointCloud_0_0.las | LAS File containing the output content. |
Readme.pdf | File describing the exported file (metadata). |
Tiles.shx | The shapefile containing tiles and area of interest of the export. |
DSM_0_0.tif | GeoTIFF File containing the output content. |
True Ortho GeoTIFF
Readme.pdf | File describing the exported file (metadata). |
Tiles.shx | The shapefile containing tiles and area of interest of the export. |
TrueOrtho_0_0.tif | GeoTIFF File containing the output content. |
DTM (DEM in US, DTM in AU)
Readme.pdf | File describing the exported file (metadata). |
Tiles.shx | The shapefile containing tiles and area of interest of the export. |
DTM.tif | GeoTIFF File containing the output content. |