The event page in Betterview is displayed with the list of properties impacted by the event and the total number of impacted properties. The list of properties is sorted by:
- The level of damage in descending order (maximum damage to least damage)
- Confidence score in descending order
For each property, the following details are displayed:
- Address
- External ID - Unique identifier provided by the insurer
- Vulnerability - Denotes the degree of risk, that is how vulnerable the property is to being impacted by the event
- Damage - Classification indicating the extent of damage from Affected to Destroyed. This also includes Unknown when we are unable to capture the damage.
Hovering over the Damage state shows the confidence score for each type of damage state for selected property.
- Confidence - Percentage score indicating the accuracy of the damage classification assigned to a property. The confidence score may change if the level of damage assessed changes based on subsequent surveys.
Searching for a property
Type the address of the property you want to view and press Enter. As you type the address, any addresses match your search are displayed for selection.
Click PROPERTY PROFILE in the top right corner to view property details.
Comparing the pre- and post-event states
To the right of the list, a pane with the pre- and post-event imagery of the selected property is displayed. You can see the comparison map only after a survey of the event-affected areas is available, but you can view imagery from any survey capture date, for both pre- and post-event imagery.
To narrow your search down, and select the filters to apply. The properties that match the selected criteria are displayed and the number of resulting properties is displayed. For more information see, Filter Properties.
Click Clear Filter to view all the impacted properties.
Assessing the damage
Once you have filtered the impacted properties, click the map to visually assess the damage.
Use the Split view the state of the property before and after the event by dragging the map between the pre- and post-event dates.
Use the Mirror view to see two images of the property laid out side by side with the damages outlined on the map.
You can select any historical survey for comparison.