If you are having trouble accessing Nearmap, and you have a current subscription, please check the following before raising a support case:
Is your username / email address verified? You may need to check your email inbox for an activation email from Nearmap and click the link in the email to verify your email.
Is your subscription current? Your credit card may have expired between renewals, or may not have been charged correctly.
Could an expired browser cookie be interfering with your login? Simply clear your browser cookies and cache. See these instructions for clearing your cookies as well as instructions for clearing your cache. Please note these websites are not affiliated with Nearmap.
Can you access Nearmap through a different web browser? While our site is compatible with almost all modern browsers, sometimes one browser can get in a non-working state while others continue to work fine.
Can you access Nearmap through a different network connection? Proxy servers and firewalls can block Nearmap or lead to errors, so it can be very helpful to try logging into Nearmap on a smartphone that uses mobile 3G/4G data instead of your Wifi signal.
If the above did not help you, we'll be happy to assist if you raise the issue with us by clicking the button below and filling out the form. Please provide as much information as possible, including when the problem began.