When displaying our imagery within the MapBrowser we need to be able to access multiple Nearmap APIs and several third party APIs. An error where our imagery is not displayed, and
When all you see on MapBrowser are the menu items and a white screen, it is most commonly because we are unable to access the required APIs from within your network. When we can't contact our APIs, we cannot properly download the imagery to display.
To access our imagery you need to have certain addresses unhindered and accessible from within your network. Please check this article for a list of those addresses: Addresses to Pass Through Proxy Server.
A quick test to confirm if this is likely to be the issue is to, if possible, connect your computer that is having trouble to your mobile phone network. If you reload the page and our imagery is displayed, then it is likely that your office network is blocking access to our imagery.
We would recommend that you have your IT team investigate and confirm that the above addresses are unhindered from within your network.