How do I join my Nearmap account?
Only your organization's Nearmap administrator has permission to invite you to join the account. If you are unsure who your administrator is, we recommend you reach out to the following people in your organization for assistance: Universities: Library services team IT teams Lecturer Other organizations: Your immediate…
Are the usage statistics in the MyAccount portal accurate?
We regularly audit our data usage calculations, examining server logs in order to determine whether session by session, day by day, correct usage statistics are being stored and shown. It is important to note that all imagery streamed from our server to your computer contributes to data usage, not just when using…
Will my normal imagery allowance be used up when I view 3D?
No, viewing 3D imagery does not count towards your standard imagery data allowance.
I recently joined my business as an employee, and need access to Nearmap. How do I get access?
You will need to speak to the administrator for your Nearmap account. This is a person (or department) within your organization who controls which employees are granted access to Nearmap and our services. If you are unsure who this person is, please contact your line management, IT department, or finance department. These…
Why didn’t I receive a password reset email?
If you're not receiving a password reset email, it is usually either: The password reset email has gone to your junk mail folder. Check this folder. You may have been disabled and you won't be able to log in. Contact your organization's Nearmap administrator to enable you. Find out more here: Enable or Disable a User's…
Does interacting with the imagery in the area definition window count towards my usage?
Yes. When you define an area, a small amount of imagery is loaded to provide context for where we have coverage. We envisage that there will be very little usage coming from this tool because: The map is very small, i.e. not full screen It is used infrequently to create services It is typically used at small scale with…
Can a user be on two different Nearmap accounts?
No. Each user's email address must be unique within our system. This is the username you use to log into MapBrowser. If, as an existing Nearmap user, you are invited to a new account, you will receive an invitation to migrate your profile to the new account. If you choose to do this, your account profile, including any…
Does my normal imagery allowance get charged when I download 3D?
No, you have a separate allowance for 3D export. Find out more here: View Account Data Usage.
Is downloading an existing export output counted against my allowance?
No, 3D Export allowance is counted at the time of the export. You are free to download the existing output files at any time without those being counted again.
Will I use my data allowance when I use the Project tool?
When you open and work within a project, you are browsing Nearmap imagery. As you pan and zoom on the map, your data allowance will be used in the same way as it is when you are viewing Nearmap imagery outside of a project. Learn what consumes your usage and what doesn't, read this article: About Data Usage.