Can we limit the date range when creating the custom polygon?
Yes, custom WMS allows you to limit the date range. You can specify either start date or end date, or both. It limits the surveys you get back as layers in your service.
Speeding up WMS
If you access Nearmap in a GIS package via WMS (Web Map Service) or Tile API (Tile Map Service), you can usually choose to download the imagery via either the JPEG or PNG image format. We strongly recommend using JPEG as it is a more effective compression format; images should download more quickly and use less data. It…
Is WMS 2.0 more accurate than what I am currently using?
United States We have adjusted the datum of the imagery that is returned by default when you don’t specify a projection, i.e. rely on application defaults. WMS 2.0 will automatically adjust the imagery to NAD83 coordinate system. This will reduce positional errors and projection mismatches ensuring your imagery lines up.…
Do bigger areas in custom WMS contribute more to my usage?
No. The areas that you define for your custom service are simply instructions on how to build a list of layers in that service. At the time of creation, no requests for imagery within the area of interest are made. Usage is accrued only when you bring the WMS service into your GIS application and add it to the map.
Does accessing the data from the WMS contribute to our overall usage allowance?
Yes. This has always been the case, and the data from the WMS will continue being counted.
How do I use GDA2020 projections?
For Simple WMS, all AU MGA zones are available in both GDA94 and GDA2020. For Custom WMS, only the zones that intersect with the area of interest will be available as an option to request imagery in.
How do I use State Plane projections?
Only available in Custom WMS. Only the state plane projections that intersect with the area of interest will be available as an option in which to request imagery.
Should I use Simple or Custom WMS?
Simple WMS should be used if you want the only latest imagery for your area (Australia/New Zealand/USA/Canada). You will not be able to perform geofencing or navigate time. Custom WMS will allow you to perform geofencing and to set up specified regions as the only imagery you can view. For those regions, you will be able…
Is there a way to know what is the date of the latest imagery?
Yes, in custom WMS you can know the date of the latest imagery, while in simple WMS you cannot. When you bring in the in the custom WMS the date layers are synced up to the latest imagery, and you know exactly which dates you are bringing in. With simple WMS there is no way to get at the dates, since it is a very simple…
What do you see if you constrict start and end dates?
When you constrain a start date to exclude older imagery for an area if no more recent imagery is available, do you see a blank layer returned or your default, low-res (old) satellite imagery? It would be very useful to see that there is no recent imagery after the constrained end date. You simply get no layers if you…