Generation 5 AI content is here! Gen 5 is powered by a new deep learning model, trained on a much larger data set. It is packed with performance enhancements to existing layers, brand new content, and will be the foundation for a new range of AI products.
We've created 5 new AI packs and enhanced some of our existing packs by introducing new layers. Read on to learn more about our new layers and other AI feature improvements.
New AI Packs
We have introduced the following new packs in AI Generation 5 content:
- Roof Objects - Captures a range of objects and protrusions on top of a roof that do not fall within other specific packs, such as Solar Panels
- Debris - Captures several types of broken, disused and destroyed objects resulting from a particular event (such as a hurricane), human behaviour (putting rubbish in a dumpster), or degradation over time (abandoned cars, or washed up garbage)
- Surface Permeability - Contains layers relating to whether the ground can soak up water
- Pavement Markings (Alpha) - Focuses on painted markings on road surfaces within key categories
Enhanced AI Packs
We have added new layers to several existing packs. If you have purchased these packs, you will get these layers automatically.
- Roof Condition - Improved further through adaptive labelling, and three new layers introduced targeting specific types of roof degradation
- Surfaces - New layers that describe the areas designed for vehicles to drive on - dirt roads, driveways, car parks, etc.
- Swimming Pool - Introduces a new layer that identifies pools which require maintenance
- Solar Panel - Solar Hot Water layer has been added
- Vegetation - Leaf Off Vegetation layer added, which identifies plants of any height without leaves, whether due to deciduous trees, plant health, or other reasons
- Roof Characteristics - Dormer Windows added as a new roof shape
New AI Layers
Gen 5 introduces a large number of new AI Layers, which brings the total number of raster layers to 80! For the complete list, see Generation 5 AI Content.
Layer status
Status attribute categorises new Gen 5 layers as:
- Production: Semantically stable layers suitable for general use that have been tested against a use case and determined to perform well
- Beta: Many of these layers are high quality, but are currently under customer testing for specific use cases.
- Alpha: These layers are typically more experimental in nature and may not have been tested against a specific use case.
Other updates
Gen 5 will be run on all surveys with an imagery publish date from July 2022 onwards.
Confidence score
For absent features (with area of zero), this will now be listed as "null" fields in JSON payloads to filter absent attributes.
AI Rollup API
The Gen 5 release coincides with the release of the Rollup API, which is an additional endpoint of the AI Feature API. The Rollup API returns a .CSV file with a set of attributes for the area requested. With Gen 5, the Rollup API produces more than 500 attribute columns such as the presence of water, vegetation, etc per polygon.
Documentation updates
We have restructured and refined the Nearmap AI product documentation. If you have any articles bookmarked, please update the links. In addition, the AI Feature API documentation is now in the Nearmap APIs section.
Additional Resources
Nearmap AI
AI Gen 5 Content
AI Packs
AI Layers
AI Feature API