How do I bring the WMS API into 3GIS?

I’m having an issue bringing the WMS API into 3GIS, has anyone had luck integrating Nearmap into this software?
HI Pranav,
If you have tried both the custom and simple WMS and neither work I suggest you try out the Tile API. If it supports TMS then it should be able to consume the Tile API, but may need to tweak the syntax.
Here are some syntax examples used in other programs:ArcGIS Online{level}/{col}/{row}.img?apikey=Global Mapper{z}/{x}/{y}.img?apikey=
VertiGIS{level}/{col}/{row}.img?apikey=Gaia GPS{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=
Best Regards,
Dave -
@Pranav_2309 - Thank you for asking! Did Dave's answer help?