Enabling/Disabling Boundary, Footprints, Spotlights, Nearest Building and Defensible Space
The image below shows what a typical Profile will look like If you'd like to see the image with all of the additional attributes you will need to use the 6 different options that appear when you click on the Layers button, labeled as "1" above, located towards the lower right hand side of the Map Screen Once you click on…
Access All Imagery Sources
Overhead Overhead Imagery is the default imagery you get whenever you open a Profile. You can validate you're viewing the Overhead imagery by checking which icon is selected in the timeline located at the top of the page Oblique Imagery Oblique imagery is the 2nd option from the left, located in the Timeline. When you…
Spotlight Editing
Occasionally a profile may have some roof detections that users may not agree with. We've now made it even easier to self-correct these issues and rescore the property. See the UPDATED instructions below on how to complete this: While looking at a report, in the lower right corner you will be able to turn the spotlights on…
Clearing Flags from the New Property-Profile
This article will discuss how to clear & unclear your flags from a Property-Profile. To learn more about our Flagging System itself, check out this Help Center Article here! Clearing a Flag from a Property-ProfileFirst, navigate to a Property-Profile. On the left-hand side, click on the "Flags" dropdown located under…
Reporting Tool
The Reporting Tool allows you to report any potential missing detections by the system that are noticed by the user. This tool can be found when selecting the Spotlight Editor tool on the right-hand side when in the Betterview platform. Once the Spotlight Editor is selected, you will see 4 options appear in the left-hand…
What is COPE?
Construction How the building was built and its condition – roof shape, material, roof conditions, roof age, square footage, other property attributes, and additional Construction information that may be available from 3rd party providers. Occupancy Who occupies the building (owner-occupant or renter-occupant) and how it…
Spotlight Editing, Adding and Reporting
The following Article will go over how to Edit existing Spotlights, Report inaccurate Spotlights and how to Add Spotlights to an existing Profile. Editing Spotlights Occasionally a profile may have some roof detections that users may not agree with. We've now made it even easier to self-correct these issues and rescore the…
Exposure tab
The Peril Risks section is now located under "Exposure" in the new UI. All data and insights in the "Exposure" tab are add-on services, if interested please reach out to support@betterview.com. Data & Insights under the "Exposure" tab Exposure risks grouped by perils Hurricane Wildfire Wind Hail Flood Snow Load Crime…