122 Block Symbol
Definition Indicators on a roadway such as route and speed, zebra crossing for pedestrians, triangular or checkered marks for speed breakers, and painted figures like a picture of a bicycle, animal, or car. Layer details AI Packs Pavement Markings Status Alpha Includes Faded or damaged symbols Symbols that cover or…
123 Block Character
Definition A letter, word, or numeric message on a roadway providing navigation instruction. Layer details AI Packs Pavement Markings Status Alpha Includes Faded or damaged character symbols Characters that can be identified as text or numbers, even if the exact word or number cannot be identified Character symbol pavement…
124 Painted Lane
Definition Solid paint band that represents a limited access lane. Layer details AI Packs Pavement Markings Status Alpha Includes Solid band of paint indicating a bus, bike, commuter lane or toll road Painted airport taxiway shoulders Painted lanes in any colour eg. white, yellow, green, red Painted lanes that fully or…
126 Missing Roof Tile or Shingle
Definition Area of exposed underlayment where one or more expected pieces of roof covering are not found. Layer details AI Packs Roof Condition Status Production Includes Space on a roof where a piece of roof covering material is missing or completely dislodged from. Portion of roof underlayment exposed by a partially…
127 Roof with Permanent Repair
Definition A permanent section of covering material affixed to an existing roof after initial installation. Layer details AI Packs Roof Condition Status Production Includes New shingles on existing sections of an older shingle roof New tiles on existing sections of older tile roof New metal panels on sections of an…
128 Zinc Staining
Definition A particular pattern on shingle roofs caused by dispersion of metal particles by water from a zinc strip. Layer details AI Packs Roof Condition Status Production Includes Areas of a roof with indications of zinc staining Excludes Water damage or water stained roofs. The zinc strip itself. Other metal staining on…
131 Atmospheric Occlusion - Opaque
Definition Particles in the air that completely block the view of anything below them. Layer details AI Packs Experimental Includes Thick clouds or layers of water vapor, smoke, fog, or smog Airborne dust and sand particles (haze) Excludes Translucent atmospheric occlusions Solid airborne objects such as low-flying planes,…
132 Atmospheric Occlusion - Translucent
Definition Particles in the air that blur the clarity of anything below them. Layer details AI Packs Experimental Includes Thin clouds or layers of water vapor, smoke, fog, or smog Airborne dust and sand particles (haze) Excludes Areas in imagery not occluded Opaque Atmospheric Occlusions Solid airborne objects such as…
133 Building with Structural Damage
Definition Evidence of destruction exposing the interior of a structure to the elements, which do not prevent the structure from performing its function; the structure is still standing and theoretically a human could still enter it. Layer details AI Product Building Structures, Damage Classifications Status Alpha Includes…
137 Damage by Tree
Definition A building that a tree has fallen on and penetrated one or more external protective layers. Layer details AI Product Nearmap Damage Classifications Status Alpha Includes Standing buildings with fallen/broken trees on top of them Punctures or holes in building materials caused by trees Roof with significant…