297 Miscellaneous Roof Object
Description A significant and identifiable roof object that is not part of another roof object class or specifically excluded. Layer details AI Packs Commercial Roof Objects Status Alpha Includes Rooftop billboards Large appliances (not covered by another roof objects class) Decorative objects Excludes Rooftop objects that…
298 Greenhouse
Description A structure designed to create an artificial humid environment that is used to grow plants. Layer details AI Packs Building Structures Status Production Includes Greenhouses of any material (glass, plastic) Greenhouses with damaged or missing plastic Excludes Tents Shadecloths Glassed-in pool areas Uncovered…
1084 Leaf-off Tree Overhang
Definition Parts of a roof covered with leaf-off tree overhang. Layer Details AI Packs Roof Overhang Status Production Product-specific Terms US Australia
1085 Low Vegetation (0.5m-2m) Overhang
Definition Parts of a roof covered with bushes and other vegetation between 0.5 and 2m in height. Layer details AI Packs Roof Overhang Status Production Product-specific Terms US Australia
1086 Very Low Vegetation (<0.5m) Overhang
Definition Parts of a roof covered with vegetation lower than 0.5m, but excluding short grass. Includes long (unmaintained) grass, and other low plants. Layer details AI Packs Roof Overhang Status Production Product-specific Terms US Australia
1087 Power Line Overhang
Definition Parts of a roof covered with suspended cables that carry power, running in parallel to at least 1 other cable (excludes single cables). Layer details AI Packs Roof Overhang Status Production Product-specific Terms US Australia
1088 Junk and Wreckage Overhang
Definition Parts of a roof covered with any junk or rubbish manufactured by humans, and now discarded from its original use. Rubbish tips, abandoned vehicles, illegal dump sites, construction waste, garbage floating in the ocean and on beaches, wreckage after a catastrophe, etc. Layer details AI Packs Roof Overhang Status…
1089 Vegetation Debris Overhang
Definition Parts of a roof covered with any natural debris as a result of storms, flooding, or other reasons where vegetation is uprooted or damaged. Layer details AI Packs Roof Overhang Status Production Product-specific Terms US Australia
1191 Flat
Description A roof or a part of a roof that is flat. Layer details AI Packs Roof Characteristics, Roof Shape Status Production Includes Flat roofs Excludes Tile and shingle roof materials as these coverings should not be used on flat roof areas. Product-specific Terms US Australia
1193 Medium and High Vegetation with Woody Vegetation
Description Trees and large bushes greater than 2 meters in height OR tree or shrub-like vegetation that develops woody trunks, root balls, or root systems. Layer details AI Packs Vegetation Status Production Includes Trunk and branches Green or dry vegetation Trees without foliage Climbers and creepers if they are higher…